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What is it about the top tech product companies such as Amazon, Apple, Google, Netflix and Tesla that enables their record of consistent innovation? Most people think it’s because these companies are somehow able to find and attract a level of talent that makes this innovation possible. But the real advantage these companies have is not so much who they hire, but rather how they enable their people to work together to solve hard problems and create extraordinary products. As legendary Silicon Valley coach–and coach to the founders of several of today’s leading tech companies–Bill Campbell said, “Leadership is about recognizing that there’s a greatness in everyone, and your job is to create an environment where that greatness can emerge.” The goal of EMPOWERED is to provide you, as a leader of product management, product design, or engineering, with everything you’ll need to create just such an environment. As partners at The Silicon Valley Product Group, Marty Cagan and Chris Jones h

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Dual Transformation

In Dual Transformation, innovation and growth consultant Scott Anthony and his coauthors, Clark Gilbert and Mark Johnson, propose a practical and sustainable approach to one of the greatest challenges facing leaders today: transforming your business in the face of imminent disruption. Dual Transformation illustrates the inevitable rise and fall of companies in the age of technological change. But, more importantly, it shows you how your company can come out of a market shift stronger and more profitable. Anthony, Gilbert, and Johnson build upon the lessons of Xerox, Apple, Barnes & Noble, and a case study from Gilbert’s first-hand experience transforming his own media and publishing company, to describe the process of successfully weathering the digital age by adapting a current business model to the new marketplace. The book offers critical insight to responding to disruptive shock with three value propositions: (A) repositioning today’s business to maximize resilience, (B) creating a

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3 minutes of excellence

Kundecentret har kun ganske få minutter til at brillere – til at give kunden den excellente service, der sikrer, at han eller hun tilfreds går ud i verden med et godt indtryk af din virksomhed. De få minutters møde med kunden er de afgørende. Hvis de ikke fungerer optimalt, er alt andet i kundecentret – og meget af det, der foregår i virksomheden i øvrigt – ligegyldigt. Flotte kanalanalyser, strategier, avancerede IT-løsninger og fi ne markedsføringstiltag er nytteløse, hvis ikke medarbejderne i hvert eneste møde med kunden skaber kundetilfredshed, bedre image og øget omsætning.

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The Inconvenient truth about change management

Professional integrity is a concept rooted on values and virtues meaningful in the acquisition of managerial skills and aptitudes necessary to assume professional responsibilities in organizations. The objective of this paper is to analyze the importance of professional integrity as an ethical construct in the development of administration and management science programs at the professional level.

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87 teknikker til at sælge meget mere

Halløjsa, husk at tilmelde dig podcastens nyhedsbrev. Så sender jeg dig en kort mail, hver gang der kommer en ny episode. Det gør du her: https://mortenmunster.com/podcasts/* *Du kan se det fulde interview som video her: https://youtu.be/D72mmwVkShA*I dag får du ultrakonkrete salgsråd af Lasse Birk, som alle kan bruge. Både sælgere og alle os, der arbejder med at påvirke andre menneskers beslutninger – uden at der nødvnedigvis står ’sælger’ på visitkortet. Vi kommer bl.a. ind på: Hvilket spørgsmål der pisser kunderne afHvilke 3 ting der kendetegner dygtige sælgereHvad ’den indiskutable sandhed’ er, og hvordan du kan bruge princippet til at styrke relationen til kundenHvordan man flytter folk fra ’jeg vil inspireres’ til ’jeg vil gerne købe’Hvordan man sælger til allerede eksisterende kunder (uden at være træls).Rigtig god fornøjelse! Du finder Lasse her: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lasserbirk/

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The Lean Manager

The Lean Manager: A Novel of Lean Transformation, by lean experts Michael and Freddy Ballé, addresses the critical problem that most companies face today: how can they advance beyond realizing isolated gains from deploying lean tools, to fundamentally changing how they operate, think, and learn? The book gives companies a definitive guide for sustaining their ability to learn and to improve operations and financial performance, while continually developing people. “The only way to stay lean is to produce lean managers,” says Jim Womack, author, lean management authority, and LEI founder. “Every isolated effort will recede — or fail — unless companies learn to use the lean process as a way of developing individual problem-solvers with the ownership, initiative, and know-how to solve problems, learn, and coach new individuals.” The Lean Manager, the sequel to the Ballé’s international bestselling business novel The Gold Mine, tells the compelling story of plant manager Andrew Ward as h

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Pyramid Principle

GET THE MAXIMUM IMPACT WITH THE MINIMUM EFFORT. The Pyramid Principle is the international best-seller on how to think creatively, reason lucidly and produce crisp, clear, compelling business writing. Join the tens of thousands of people worldwide who have benefited from Barbara Minto’s technique, to present your thinking so clearly that the ideas jump off the page and into the mind of the reader. Can your writing do without it?

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The Go-Giver

NOW WITH A FOREWORD BY ARIANNA HUFFINGTON ‘This terrific book wonderfully illuminates the principles of contribution, abundance, service and success’ Stephen Covey, bestselling author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People’Most people don’t have the guts to buy this book, never mind the will to follow through and actually use it. But you do. And I’m certain that you’ll be glad you did’ Seth Godin, bestselling author of This is MarketingNearly a decade since its original publication, the term ‘go-giver’ has become shorthand for a defining set of values embraced by hundreds of thousands of people around the world. Today this timeless story continues to help its readers find fulfilment and greater success in business, in their personal lives and in their communities.—————-

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Toyota Kata: Managing People for Improvement

“Toyota Kata” er en lærebog i management, der som den første bog tilbyder læseren et indblik i Toyotas berømte ledelsesrutiner. Få et indblik i den legendariske bilfabrikants ledelsespraksis og opnå praktisk vejledning i at lede og udvikle mennesker på en måde, der bedst udnytter deres evner og intelligens. “Toyota Kata” er baseret på forfatterens omfattende research af virksomhedens ledelsesrutiner gennem seks år. Bogen gennemgår trin for trin virksomhedens to ‘kata’er – Improvement Kata og Coaching Kata – som ledere og managers på samtlige niveauer i en virksomhed afgørende kan lære meget af. Med denne bog opnår ledere en række tanke- og handlingsrutiner, som producerer forbedrede resultater og vedligeholder virksomhedens konkurrencemæssige fordel.