Hejs A/S
Forsvarets Personalestyrelse
Tvilum, Denmark and Poland
Maersk Container Industries, Qingdao, China
Hørsholm Kommune
Halsnæs Kommune
Glunz & Jensen, Denmark and Slovakia
Faaborg-Midtfyns Forsyning
Pascal Audio
Københavns Kommune, CBG
Ikast-Brande Kommune
2024 – Present | ZILLION Consulting Group
2004 – 2020 | Dansk LEAN Partner, Partner and owner
2003 – | Arenstorff & Co. Consultant and owner
1999 – 2003 | Carl Bro as, Market manager
1998 – 1999 | Rambøll Management, chief consultant
1994 – 1998 | Rambøll, department head
1993 – 1994 | SGS Danmark A/S, Quality Manager
1992 – 1993 | Interpro Management Consult, management consultant
1986 - 1992 | Teknologisk Institut, section head, dep. of production development
1986 - 1988 | Teknologisk Institut, consultant, dep. of shop floor technology
BSc Production Engineering, DTU (1986)
HD International Management, CBS (1990)
Certified Management Consultant, CMC (2002)
ISO 9001 auditor, SGS Yarsley (1993)
A3, Lean Enterprise Academy (2008)
Change Management: Expert.
Lean Production: Expert.
Lean Administration: Expert.
Layout & Lean: Expert.
Process Optimization: Expert.
Quality Management: Expert.
Training and education: Expert.
Business Advisor: Expert.
Business Strategy: Expert.
Cost Cutting: Substantial Experience.
Project Management: Experienced.
Interim Management: Experienced.
Languages: Danish, English
International: Norway, UK, Belgium, Germany, Portugal, Poland, Slovakia, Greece, China, Syria, Ghana, South Africa
We work with ambitious leaders who want to define the future, not hide from it. Together, we achieve extraordinary outcomes.